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Multi Chamber Mixer at Bruno’s Bar & Grill May 18

Be sure to put May 18th on your calendar for a great joint event at Bruno’s Bar & Grill in Scotts Valley. The event starts at 5:30 pm and is co-hosted by the San Lorenzo Valley and Scotts Valley Chambers of Commerce and Think Local First Santa Cruz. It will combine a

ribbon cutting celebrating the renovations at Bruno’s with a business showcase for businesses who don’t have a traditional brick and mortar location. Appetizers will be served and there will be a no hosted bar.

Bruno’s Bar and Grill co-owner, Joanne Guzman, notes, “Our team has worked so hard on all the improvements downstairs and up. It’s great to be able to share our vision with the people who have been our cheerleaders day after day.”

RSVP at Eventbrite | Follow the Facebook event at



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