Join the Santa Cruz Mountains community at Ben Lomond History Comes Alive! Rugged Rogues & Fearless Mavericks: San Lorenzo Valley Adventurers in Ben Lomond 1821-1890, a lecture and conversation with Ronnie Trubek happening at Park Hall on Saturday, November 9 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Tickets: $20 Adults / $15 Seniors (65+) & Youth (18 and under)
Information and tickets: bit.ly/TalesofBenLomondPartOne
Join local historian and realtor Ronnie Trubek for an engaging presentation about the colorful characters who shaped the history of Ben Lomond from 1821 to 1890. Co-hosted by the Ben Lomond Village Alliance (BLVA) and Park Hall Community Center, this is the first of three presentations in Trubek’s Tales of Ben Lomond series. The event includes an intermission with concessions available.
All proceeds benefit the Ben Lomond Village Alliance and Park Hall.
Join the Chamber
Join the San Lorenzo Valley Chamber of Commerce & Tourism to increase your visibility to residents and visitors to the Santa Cruz Mountains. Visit slvchamber.org/join-the-chamber to get started. Or email Bryan at info@slvchamber.org for more information.