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Park Hall Election of New Trustees Tuesday, August 22


Ben Lomond Town Hall Meeting: Park Hall Election of New Trustees this Tuesday, August 22 at 5pm.

Those adult persons in attendance, living within a mile and one half of Park Hall, are eligible to vote for the current vacant positions of Park Hall Trustee.

The election committee will verify each person’s residence or ownership prior to issuing a ballot.

CANDIDATES: Nominations for the position will come from the floor during the meeting. The nominated persons will each be given five minutes to address those in attendance before the secret ballot is taken. Three new Trustees are to be added to the existing Board.

Please attend and help select the newest Park Hall leaders that will guide Park Hall on your behalf.

Park Hall, 9400 Mill Street, Ben Lomond, 95005

Thank you to Albert Kent and Ronnie Trubek for the info!

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